

When you run some command in a non-blocking way, for example: function run, the command will create an execution that will run in the background, and the result of the API will be the execution ID. You can then use the executions API to retrieve the execution status, or to see which executions are currently running.

Get Execution Status

To get the status of an execution, you need to use the spots API:


You can get the status of an execution using the CLI:

$ fas executions get EXECUTION_ID


You can get the status of an execution using the python-client:

from faaspot import Faaspot
faaspot = Faaspot()

HTTP Request

You can get the status of an execution using direct HTTP requests:

$ curl -X GET --header "Authorization: Token MY_TOKEN" https://api.faaspot.com/v1/executions/EXECUTION_ID

A result of the API should look as follows:


u'created': u'2017-07-21 15:10:52.537686+00:00',

u'name': u'tasks.create_spot',

u'output': None,

u'status': u'Started',

u'uuid': u'9cfcd860-9a5d-414f-8d2b-317d59d3f486'



The CLI and the python-client support the wait argument, meaning that using fas executions get EXECUTION_ID --wait or using faaspot.executions.get(EXECUTION_ID, wait=True), will wait until the execution is completed.

Get Bulk Execution Status

Sometimes, you have multiple executions running simultaneously. In that case, you might want to query the status of all of them using a single request, instead of generating an execution get request for each of the exceutions separately. You can achieve that using the execution get_bulk command.

The results will be a list of execution-statuses.


You can retrieve the statuses of multiple executions using the CLI:

$ fas executions get_bulk -u EXECUTION_ID_1 -u EXECUTION_ID_2


You can retrieve the statuses of multiple executions using the python-client:

from faaspot import Faaspot
faaspot = Faaspot()
faaspot.executions.get([EXECUTION_ID_1, EXECUTION_ID_1])

HTTP Request

You can retrieve the statuses of multiple executions using direct HTTP requests:

$ curl -X POST --header "Content-Type: application/json" --header "Authorization: Token MY_API_TOKEN" \
https://api.faaspot.com:443/v1/executions/bulk/ -d '["EXECUTION_ID_1", "EXECUTION_ID_2"]'

Get Executions List

To retrieve a list of the current running executions.


You can retrieve a list of the current running executions using the CLI:

$ fas executions list

The executions status command parameters:

  • (Optional) --include_completed Boolean parameter. Whether to include completed executions. Default is False.


You can retrieve a list of the current running executions using the python-client:

from faaspot import Faaspot
faaspot = Faaspot()

The executions status command parameters:

  • (Optional) include_completed Boolean parameter. Whether to include completed executions. Default is False.

HTTP Request

You can retrieve a list of the current running executions using direct HTTP requests:

$ curl -X GET --header "Authorization: Token MY_TOKEN" https://api.faaspot.com/v1/executions/?include_completed=False

You can add ?include_completed=False or ?include_completed=True to the request, to include completed executions, or not.