

In FaaSpot, function is a combination of:

  • The function code that you want to run.
  • (Optional) A Context file, which might contain secrets credentials that you need to be accessible in the function, but don't want to send in every functions run command.

The Function

The function is basically a python script that contains a main function in a specific format. If the python script doesn't have a main function in the required format, it will not run.

The script must contain a main function, that receives 2 parameters:

  • args A dictionary that contains the arguments to the function. These are the parameters that are sent to the function to run command.
  • context A dictionary that contains the Context variables, which you set in the function creation command.

The very basic template of the python script:

def main(args, context):
    return ''

The Context

The Context is a dictionary that might contain secret data to be sent to all of the specific function instances. You can create a function without it, in which case the context dict will be empty.

A very basic Context file might look like this:

access_key_is = "XYZ"
secret_access_key = "123"

Create function

To create a new function, you need to use the functions create API. You can see info about the API arguments in the overview section.


You can create a new function using the CLI, for example:

$ fas functions create FUNCTION_NAME --file FILE_PATH

The create command parameters:

  • --file - Path to he file code
  • (Optional) --context-file Path to the context file
  • (Optional) --wait Boolean parameter. Whether to wait for completion. Default is False.


You can create a new function using the fas python-client, for example:

from faaspot import Faaspot
faaspot = Faaspot()
faaspot.functions.create(FUNCTION_NAME, file=FILE_PATH)

The create function parameters:

  • --file - Path to he file code
  • (Optional) context-file Path to the Context file
  • (Optional) wait Boolean parameter. Whether to wait for completion. Default is False.

HTTP Request

You can create a new function using direct HTTP requests:

$ curl -X PUT --header "Authorization: Token MY_TOKEN" --header "Content-Type: application/json"
--data '{"name": "FUNCTION_NAME", "code": "THE_CODE", "context": "THE_CONTEXT"}'

The code argument is mandatory, the context is optional. You must provide the actual code and context in UTF-8 format. To encode your text to UTF-8 format, you can use this on-line converter, or use python:

from six.moves.urllib.parse import quote
encoded_str = quote(str_to_encode.encode("utf-8"))

Run a function

To run a function, you need to use the functions run API.


You can run a function using the CLI, for example:

$ fas functions run hello --parameters "name=user1" --wait

The functions run command parameters:

  • name The name of the function to run
  • (Optional) --wait Boolean parameter. Whether to wait for completion. Default is False.

To run a function with multiple parameters, add them in the parameter argument, for example:

$ fas functions run FUNCTION_NAME -p "param_1=value_1, param_2=value_2" --wait

As you can see in the example above, you can use -p as a shortcut for --parameters

In this example, we run the fas functions run command in a blocked manner (wait until you have a response), using the --wait parameter.

By default, without --wait, the command will run in a non-blocking manner, and the fas functions run command will return the execution ID of the task. You can then check that status of the execution task (completed or not), using the fas executions get command. You can read about the execution API in the execution page.

For example:

$ UUID=`fas functions run hello --parameters "name=user1"`
$ fas executions get $UUID


You can run a function in a blocking way (wait until the execution is completed), using the python-client:

from faaspot import Faaspot
faaspot = Faaspot(), {'PARAMETER_1': 'VALUE_1', 'PARAMETER_2': 'VALUE_2'}, wait=True)

The functions run function parameters:

  • name The name of the function to run
  • (Optional) wait Boolean parameter. Whether to wait for completion. Default is False.

To run the function in non-blocking way, and then check the execution status of the function, you can run:

from faaspot import Faaspot
faaspot = Faaspot()
execution_id ='FUNCTION_NAME', {'PARAMETER': 'VALUE'})
execution = faaspot.executions().get(execution_id)
print execution['status']

HTTP Request

You can run a function using direct HTTP requests. You can run function in a blocking way (wait until the execution is completed), with /sync/ in the url.

$ curl -X GET --header "Authorization: Token MY_API_TOKEN"

You can also run the function in non-blocking way, without /sync/ in the url:

$ EXECUTION_ID_STR=`curl --header "Authorization: Token MY_API_TOKEN"`
$ EXECUTION_ID=`sed -e 's/^"//' -e 's/"$//' <<< "$EXECUTION_ID_STR"`
$ curl --header "Authorization: Token MY_API_TOKEN"$EXECUTION_ID

In the above sample you can see how to run a function using an HTTP Request, and then how query the execution status of the function run task.

For the non-blocking approach, you can also use a POST request, to enable you to send the parameters in the request body, instead of in the request URL. For example:

$ curl -X POST --header "Content-Type: application/json" --header "Authorization: Token MY_API_TOKEN" \ -d '{"PARAMETER_1": "VALUE_1", "PARAMETER_2": "VALUE_2"}'

Run functions In Bulk

Sometimes, you want to run the same function with different arguments. One way to do it, is to run the run function multiple times, each time with different arguments.

A faster way, is to use a single request, with the data of all the different arguments. The way to do that, is to use the functions run_bulk request. The run_bulk request requires a list of group-of-parameters, meaning that every item in the input list represents a call to the``functions run`` request, with a group-of-parameters.


You can run a bulk function using the CLI, for example:

$ fas functions run_bulk FUNCTION_NAME -p "k1=v1, k2=v2" -p "k3=v3, k4=v4"

The sample above, will execute two FUNCTION_NAME tasks. One with the arguments k1=v1, k2=v2, and another with the arguments k3=v3, k4=v4. The result of the sample above will be a list of two execution IDs.


You can run a bulk function using the python-client:

from faaspot import Faaspot
faaspot = Faaspot()
args_list = [{'k1': 'v1', 'k2': 'v2'}, {'k3': 'v3', 'k4': 'v4'}]
id_list = faaspot.functions.run_bulk(FUNCTION_NAME, args_list)

HTTP Request

If you want to create a bulk run request using an HTTP request, you will need to create a POST request to:, and to add to the request body the list of the parameters, in the following format: '[{"k1": "v1", "k2": "v2"}, {"k3": "v3", "k4": "v4"}]'

$ curl -X POST --header "Content-Type: application/json" --header "Authorization: Token MY_API_TOKEN" \ -d '[{"k1": "v1", "k2": "v2"}, {"k3": "v3", "k4": "v4"}]'

The result of the above request is a list of executions IDs of all the related function executions.


The bulk_run call doesn't support blocking requests. The response is a list of executions IDs. To get the executions status, you need to run the executions get command.

Delete functions

To delete a new function, you need to use the functions delete API.


You can delete a function using the CLI, for example:

$ fas functions delete FUNCTION_NAME


You can delete a function using the python-client:

from faaspot import Faaspot
faaspot = Faaspot()

HTTP Request

You can delete a function using an HTTP request:

$ curl -X DELETE --header "Authorization: Token MY_API_TOKEN"